But this can cause deviant behavior in future as the child can grow to be antisocial, apathetic and homicidal behavior can be adopted by the child. In this fantasy world they feel a semblance of control. This leads to neglect on the child when he needs it the most and to cope from this situation sometime the child forms a fantasy world in his mind to escape from his present circumstances. When the parents have a substance problem then the attention goes to the parents in the household. Nearly half of the serial killers had experienced some type of physical or sexual abuse, and more of them had experienced emotional neglect. A study conducted by Wilson and Seaman (1990) on incarcerated serial killers, and what they concluded was the most influential factor that contributed to their homicidal activity was that most of the serial killers in the study had experienced some sort of environmental problems during their childhood, such as a broken home caused by divorce, or a lack of a parental figure to discipline the child.

Most of the serial killers seem to have faced similar problems in their childhood.